Sep 9, 2011

Giant Chocolate Chip Blondies


Well, this is not the recipe for GIANT chocolate chip blondies, its just choco chip blondies. Just that, the choco chips I used were sooo big that I had to name it this way. :-)

Only after I opened the Ghirardelli 60% semi-sweet choco chips packet that the husband got from the US did I see how big the chips were. They were the size of our Gems chocolate, and since I did not have anything else handy, I had to use them, all the while wondering if I had screwed up the Blondies with too much chocolate. But as the saying goes, there is nothing like too much chocolate. The choco chips added their gooey texture which in addition to the brown sugar used in the recipe only made this dessert really delectable. Okay, these are not my words alone. Remember, I have a guinea pig at home. One which does not like desserts but periodically surprises me with requests for a second helping ? Well, he did that for these too. So there! :)

As the story always goes behind me trying out something new for the first time, there is a long yet boring story for this too. I had an especially long and stressful day at work and I returned home with a pounding head. With my cook agreeing to come in the evenings also, I did not need to cook dinner myself. I wanted to bake something to unwind, and suddenly remembered the Blondies A&N baked. Some curiosity, link hopping and Googling got me to this page which had a decent recipe, and I got to work. And like it claimed, I put together all the ingredients in 10 mins, and got them into the oven. It was all done in exactly 35 mins, and I had piping hot, gooey blondies at hand. Very very tasy! :)

I replaced the egg in the recipe with orange juice, because I always wanted to bake something chocolately and orangey. You can also use thick yogurt or cream instead of this. Just keep the quantity same. Some day I will muster up more courage and bake a full dessert with chocolate and orange in it. Some day!



1/2 cup of butter, melted (I put it in Microwave for 30 seconds)
1 cup of tightly packed dark brown sugar
2 tbsps orange juice
1 teaspoon of vanilla
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/8 teaspoon of baking soda
Pinch of salt
1 cup of all-purpose flour
1/3 cup of butterscotch chips (chopped walnuts and chocolate chips are equally tasty)


1 Preheat the oven to 350°F. Lightly butter and flour an 8X8 pan. Whisk together the melted butter and sugar in a bowl.

2 Add the egg and vanilla extract and whisk.

3 Add the flour, baking soda, baking powder, and salt, mix it all together. Add the butterscotch chips or other mix-ins.

4 Pour into the pan and spread evenly. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. Allow to cool. Cut into squares and serve.

Recipe Courtesy – Simply Recipes

1 comment:

  1. Gosh. I love anything chocolate and it's been ages since we baked something with chocolate.


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