Oct 7, 2011

Pound Cake–An awesome recipe


Oh well, there is no story behind this trial. None at all. Oh wait, does a craving to eat something extremely sugary and fatty count as a story? Yes? Great, that’s it then! :-)

I hadn’t baked a pound cake in all these days of claiming to “bake good cakes and brownies”, and the other day I got said craving. I just had to make this cake, coz I knew this would ensure the maximum butter intake. Some recipe searching and asking for suggestions for Twitter lead to a friend giving me this link, instructions which I followed to the T (no, I don’t have the patience to see the videos, I didn’t, and trust me, it wasn’t needed), and got the softest, tastiest cake I ever baked.

I, of course, replaced the egg with other fats to ensure that there was a soft finish to the cake. Also, the first time I baked this cake with the said measurements of the ingredients, I found it too sweet, and too soft. I reduced the sugar content from 1 C to 3/4 C, and also added a little less than 1/2 C of butter.



½ Cup of Unsalted Butter at room temperature
6 tbsps thick yogurt
½ Cup of Cream (I used Amul cream)
1 ½ Cups of All Purpose Flour
¼ tsp of Baking Powder
1/8 tsp of Baking Soda
¼ tsp of Salt
3/4 Cup of Sugar
½ tsp of Vanilla Extract

1/2 C Tutti-Fruity (optional)


Line a 9x5 tin with parchment paper, and butter. Also, pre-heat the oven to 185 C.

Beat the butter and sugar together till they form a smooth mixture. Now add the yogurt and cream and beat well till this is a smooth mixture. Add the vanilla extract to this mixture.

Sift the flour with the baking powder, soda and salt.

Mix the wet and dry ingredients together, just enough. Fold in the Tutti-Fruity into this batter and pour into the baking tin. Bake for 50 mins to 1 hour or till a toothpick comes out clean.

Cool it and serve.



This is a basic pound cake recipe. I believe you can glaze it with some fruit based glaze, or pour Chocolate ganache on it , or eat it in a trifle pudding. Just about anything you can imagine to eat.


  1. pound cake is one of the addictive thing for me. it's simplicity is quite misleading. I have explored 3-4 different recipes but yet to nail down one i like.

  2. Looks like you picked these up from the local Iyengar Bakery and are passing them off as your effort.

  3. Nags, try this one. Am sure this will click!

    V, Manga. Hoga.


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