Internet is great. Yes, I know you all know that and that its random, but the awesomeness of the world wide web keeps hitting on my head at all random times. How else would I have learnt the existence of the various types of pesto and ideas for all those different pastas that I crave for?
When I got into this wide world of pasta-making, I thought pesto was made with basil. That’s all. I know that it’s the traditional pesto, and purist Italian food-lovers will even go ahead and say that Basil pesto is the only pesto that exists. Rest of them are all just mixes or silly dips, but not a pesto.
But then, no matter what you call it with, a rose always smells good. No matter what the ingredient of a pesto is, it always renders a beautiful taste to the pasta. Especially if it has garlic in it, no? :)

More so, if it’s a healthy ingredient. There… my words of wisdom for the day is done! :)