Dec 9, 2013

Summer Pea Pasta

One of those days when I was eating salads on a daily basis, I felt this immense carb-craving. I craved pasta, and I knew exactly what I wanted to make.

Summer Pea Pasta

I had bookmarked this awesome recipe from one of the earlier BBC Goodfood magazines, and knew I had to make this.

Dec 3, 2013

Thai curry flavored Poha

Yeah, I know how it sounds. Thai curry and Poha in the same sentence. :)
But it is a great combination, indeed. Veg Thai curry paste is nothing but a great mix of ginger, garlic, coriander, cumin and onions and of course, some specific Thai herbs like basil and Kafir lime leaves. Essentially, its like your regular South Indian sambar powder ;-)

Thai curry flavored Poha

So when I had some Thai curry paste left over in the fridge, and I had to eat a healthy , yet quick meal, I resorted to this quick meal, something I made in less than 15 min, since I had the curry paste ready in the fridge.

Dec 2, 2013

Back, but not yet! :-)

I know I’ve vanished… for a full month and more. But trust me when I say, life has happened, and in a good gooood way! :-)

I went on a 10 day vacation to Greece, which was essentially a hiking holiday, and ate tons of good food there. I hope to be able to recreate some of my favorites in my kitchen and do a Greek food series and share them all with you! Coz, as far as food goes, I am almost sure that I cannot eat better vegetarian food anywhere else in the world , except India, of course. :-) More about this holiday, here.

Greek Sesame bread

[Featured above, Greek sesame bread, a Greek breakfast staple. Sold at 1 Euro per bread, this one is both yummy and makes for a great meal at the same time! This also happens to be the only photo of food that I shot during my entire visit to Greece. The rest of the times, the food vanished as soon as it reached our table. :-)]

And then a major move in job happened. I finally got over my comfort zone and made this move, which is currently keeping me busy, in a good way. Everyday is a learning, and am sure I will grow as a human being in this job also.

Amidst all this, I got an opportunity to speak at The Birthplace at a Nutrition event. I was the chef and I demo-ed some recipes and shared some with the pregnant women who attended the talk. I got to partner with Sunitha Sapur, an esteemed nutritionist , and learnt a lot in the process. I’ve always been a fan of her methods, but I got to see first hand how interesting her ingredients can be. She suggested the ingredients and I made up recipes using those. Some were modifications of the recipes I already had on this blog, while some were totally new. And appreciated a lot. :-D

Nutrition talk at The Birthplace

Oh, I almost forgot to mention. My dear dear computer died on me. Well, the mother board did, and I was almost crippled. I had a lot of recipes saved on this comp, and I couldn’t access any of those, which is also why I took this hiatus. Now the comp is back, thanks to Husband’s relentless efforts, and I have all the data intact, and I hope to be back… back to blogging, shooting and writing! :)

And , closing the year with a bang! :-)