Oct 11, 2010

Dark Choc brownie to end a tough day!

Today was not a good day. I cant point out at one reason, but it has been a very stressful day, with even a panic attack. Dont ask me the reason, I’ll tell you when I figure it out myself.
Suddenly at 3PM , I felt this craving to bake something. It might’ve been my mind’s escape mechanism to get out of the stress and calm myself, but it took a lot for me to stay on till 6PM at work after that thought. The minute I reached home, I ran to the kitchen and took stock of things I had. No walnuts. No Baking soda. But yes, loads of dark chocolate(I bought a big bar of cooking chocolate, inspired by N, hoping that would help me when I run out of stuff. And yes, it did!) Now what would I bake. One look at the recipe notebook(I bookmark all interesting recipes I come across in OneNote Notebooks, filed by sections. Yeah, I really use technology for all walks of life :P) and I saw that there were a couple of brownie and cookie recipes that I had wanted to try out.
My mind did a minor ping-pong jig and told me to do something with peanut butter and/or chocolate. More and more browsing led me to this fave site of mine. I picked up the recipe, halved the measures, modified it slightly to make it egg-less and voila! I had my dark chocolate brownie ready!
It tasted absolutely heavenly, and this is one brownie I am going to make and not share with anyone. Honestly!
8 tbsp (125gms or 1/4 of the 500gm bar) unsweetened chocolate, coarsely chopped
6 tbsps unsalted butter(75 gms – 3/4 of the Amul 100g butter pack)
2/3 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cups sugar
2 large eggs (I used 4 tbsps yogurt, hoping it would add to the density)
1 teaspoons vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon instant espresso powder
Oh btw, since the dessert was exotic, the dinner was just Foodles!
On a totally sidenote, do you think I might need help if I resort to baking even when I am stressed at work? Do you think this phase would pass off too? I hope it does, coz its not helping my hips! Sigh!

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