Oct 9, 2010

Zucchini zuppa

J, a very good friend of mine at work got me her big book on Soups and motivated me to try some from them. I’ve had the book with me for a while, and all I did was to turn the pages and sigh tiredly. The whole idea of going through the elaborate process of making the soup for the just the two of us was very tiring, but the photographs in the book were just luring me to try one of these. One weekend we were having friends over for dinner, and I had just the mood to do something new. One thorough look into the book told me that I have been tired for the wrong reason, coz the recipes in the book were just simple.

I picked up the most simple yet interesting one, and tried it. In spite of my doubts on its taste, the guests loved the soup. :)



1 Zucchini, washed and chopped. Preferably green colored one
1 Onion, diced into medium sized pieces
4-5 garlic cloves, crushed
1 tbsp curry powder (I used Priya Koora Karam podi)
2 tbsp olive oil, for frying the Zucchini
1 cup vegetable stock
Some Italian herbs like Oregano and sage(optional)


1. Put a medium sized pan on the stove and pour olive oil in it. Wait till the oil heats up and put in the onions into it
2. After a while, put in the crushed garlic cloves and sauté a bit
3. Add the zucchini pieces and sauté more till just enough. You can add the herbs at this point
4. Let this mixture cool down, and blend in a mixer or a  hand blender. The puree should not be too soft and should still retain very small zucchini pieces, and the green color
5. Put a medium sized saucepan on the stove, and heat this puree in it.
6. If the mixture is too thick, add the stock water and mix well and bring to a boil
7. Serve warm

The original recipe did not have the garlics, but I wanted to experiment with them and it just added to the taste. Also, the recipe says that this soup tastes better when it is served chilled. So try that option too.

1 comment:

  1. I can vouch for this soup - it was yummy as hell - come winter I'm going to demand more of this soup from you


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