Aug 7, 2013

Bell pepper & Cottage Cheese salad

This one’s easy, a no-brainer. You cannot go wrong when you marinade paneer. Always.

Marinated Paneer

The juicy, crunchy and yummy cottage cheese tastes better if you marinade it in the curry mix longer , but if you are falling short of time, you can mix it and grill it immediately too.

As for the peppers, you can use one or all the coloured bell peppers that you get. Onions are added to get some body to the salad.

Bell peppers

I could’ve used any chips for this one, but I wanted to go the healthy route. I made jowar roti and made chips from it by leaving the crumbled roti pieces outside to dry for an hour before I was to eat the salad.

Bell pepper & cottage cheese salad

I used Berbere mix powder (recipe here) in this recipe because I had that handy. You can use any curry powder instead of this, or some plain chilli powder also will do.

Bell pepper & cottage cheese salad

Bell pepper, Paneer & Jowar chips salad
Preparation time – 20 min
Serves – 1

Bell peppers, yellow, red and green – 1/2 each, finely sliced
Onions – 1, finely sliced
Olive oil – 1 Tbsp
Berbere mix powder – 1 Tsp
Salt – to taste

Berbere mix – 1 Tbsp
Olive oil – 1 Tbsp
Lemon juice – 1 Tbsp
Cottage cheese cubes – 1/2 C [I used Amul Paneer]

Jowar (Sorghum) chips – 1/2 C [I left the crumbled jowar roti outside for 30 min]

Prepare the marinade for the cottage cheese by mixing all but the cheese cubes and let the cottage cheese cubes sit in this marinade, coated for anywhere between 2-10 hr.
Heat the oil in a deep pan, and sauté the bell peppers and onion slices together. Sprinkle the berbere mix powder and salt to taste and sauté for 5-10 min on a medium flame.
Meanwhile, grill the marinated paneer for 10 min in a grill.
Serve the sautéed bell peppers with the marinated and grilled paneer and jowar chips hot.


  1. I just picked a bunch of bell peppers from my mother-in-law's garden. Now I know what to do with all of them...make this delicious and simple looking salad! So fun to read your yummy blog!

  2. Fresh bell peppers from the garden? Wow, the salad is going to be real yum! :)


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