Aug 30, 2013

Zucchini & Noodle salad

To end this month , I wanted to make a wholesome salad, something which could also be a meal by itself. Something that has all the flavours I like… :)
Zucchini & Noodles salad in a Sriracha sauce dressing
And that is the how this awesome salad was born, yet again inspired by the recipe listed on this article!
Zucchini & Noodles salad in a Sriracha sauce dressing
The dressing is a simple mix of all things tasty - Sriracha sauce, lemon juice, rice wine vinegar and sesame oil!
Zucchini & Noodles salad in a Sriracha sauce dressing
Serve this salad hot or cold, but ensure that it is tossed when the noodles are warm. Adding the beans gives a protein quotient to this beauty, and be free to use any beans that you have at hand!
Zucchini & Noodles salad in a Sriracha sauce dressing
Zucchini & Noodles salad in a Sriracha sauce dressing
Level – Easy
Serves – 2
Preparation time – 15 min

IngredientsWheat noodles - 1 nest
Green Zucchini - 1/2 , grated
Yellow Zucchini - 1/2 , grated
Black lentils (Black chana) - 1/2 C, soaked in water overnight and pressure cooked
Coriander leaves or basil leaves - a handful, for garnish

For the dressing
Sriracha sauce - 2 Tbsp
Lemon juice - juice of half lemon
Salt - to taste
Rice wine vinegar - 1 Tbsp
Sesame oil - 1/2 Tsp

Mix all the dressing ingredients together.
Cook the noodles per the instructions on the box.
Drain the noodles and while they are still hot, toss with the veggies, lentils and dressing.
Garnish with coriander leaves or shredded basil and serve hot.


  1. Looks scrumptious! And that dressing sounds like heaven. *slurp*

    1. Yep, it was indeed yummy! :)
      And thanks for the thing on the pic :)

  2. You are a different level altogether! Very inspiring set of posts these - will definitely try them all out.

  3. Congratulations on posting so many recipes the whole month through! one sashtaanga namaskaram to you! all of them are terrific! well done!

    1. Hahahaha. Thanks ra! :) It was a huge task indeed! :) Am glad I finished it!


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