Aug 9, 2013

Spicy Cauliflower & Beet salad

I know, thats one too many cauliflower and beet salads in a row. But then, I love this combo and I had both these veggies at hand. I had to make them!

Spicy Beet & Cauliflower salad

This one comes with a different dressing, and is cooked differently, to add novelty to my palate which is getting bored quite soon these days… am not blaming it, given the food am feeding myself, these salads are the only bright part of my day.

Spicy Beet & Cauliflower salad

Spicy Beet & Cauliflower salad

Spicy cauliflower & Beet salad
Preparation time – 15 min
Grill time – 10 min
Level – Easy

Beetroot - 1 C, cut in pieces
Cauliflower florets - 1 C
Peanuts - 1/4 C, soaked in water overnight

For the dressing
Lemon juice - 2 Tbsp
Mustard oil - 1/2 Tbsp
Cumin powder - 1 Tsp
Chilli powder - 1 Tsp
Garlic cloves - 4-5, chopped fine
Salt - To Taste

Microwave the cut beetroot pieces for a few min to cook them.
Blanch cauliflower florets.

Prepare the dressing by mixing all the dressing ingredients together in a cup.
Toss the the vegetables and peanuts with the dressing and grill the vegetables for 10 min.
Plate up and serve.


  1. I get so excited to see your new vegan recipe! I adore them! The Spicy cauliflower & Beet salad looks and sounds divine! I have never heard of mustard oil... or is it the same as mustard?

    1. Hey Rika,

      :D Am glad you like them! :)
      Mustard is not same as mustard oil. The latter is extracted from the mustard seeds and is a staple in most East Indian households. I use it for the beautiful flavour it gives to any dish, and this can be used raw also, without the need to be heated.
      Look for cold-pressed mustard oil in any Indian stores or organic stores.

    2. Thanks for the awesome tip! I never knew there's a mustard oil... I guess I need to study more about Indian spices >___< but here you are, you're my tutor!


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